Operations in the Far East from 17 October 1940 to 27 December 1941
Issue:38183: 41
Operations of Malaya Command, from 8 December 1941, to 15 February 1942
Issue:38215: 22
Operations in East Africa, November 1940 to July 1941
Issue:37645: 34
Mediterranean convoy operations, 19 March 1941
Issue:38377: 33
The contribution of the British Pacific fleet to the Assault on Okinawa 1945
Issue:38308: 17
Report of an action with the Italian fleet off Calabria, 9 July 1940
Issue:38273: 7
Report on the air operations during the campaigns in Malaya and Netherland East Indies, from 8 December 1941 to 12 March 1942
Issue:38216: 48