Operations in the Middle East from 1 November 1941 to 15 August 1942
Issue:38177: 40
Air operations in South East Asia from 1 June 1944 to the occupation of Rangoon, 2 May 1945
Issue:39196: 23
The conquest of Sicily from 10 July 1943 to 17 August 1943
Issue:38205: 15
Air operations in South East Asia, 3 May 1945 to 12 September 1945
Issue:39202: 33
Report on the air operations during the campaigns in Malaya and Netherland East Indies, from 8 December 1941 to 12 March 1942
Issue:38216: 12
Operations in Burma from 12 November 1944 to 15 August 1945
Issue:39195: 76
Operations in the Middle East, 5 July 1941 to 31 October 1941
Issue:37695: 10